About Us
My name is Gary Friendshuh and for many years I always started my ranch day very early so if on any weekday it got hot my son or sons and I could go to the lake and swim. During the week we often had the public beach all to ourselves and if there were a few people there we could always go to some deserted sand beach. Over the years I have watched as more and more of the land around Angostura Reservoir began to be developed and it saddens me how it was done so when the opportunity presented itself to own several hundred acres on the lake, I took it.
Two of my sons and I bought this beautiful 277 acres on the south shore of Angostura reservoir partly for the family and partly as a long-term investment and as a way to help protect the beauty and integrity of the area. The 5 and 10 acre parcels and the protective covenants will hopefully do just that. I now solely own the remaining parcels and I am in no hurry to sell them. In fact, I intend to sell only one parcel a year unless I can sell four or five at one time.
Originally I or one of my sons were going to be selling these parcels. Now both boys are in Texas and most of my home ranch has limited cell phone reception, so I have decided to hire Heartland Reality, (605 745 6772) to handle some of the calls and most of the showing of the property.
I know a lot of you would rather deal directly with the owner and I will be happy to talk to you about the property if this website has not answered all your questions, but Heartland is an excellent company and most of my ranch has no cell phone service. My land line number is 605 833 2000. If you leave a message I will call you back.
As for knowing something about me personally, I am presently a cow calf rancher and I have written five books. You can go on Amazon and type in my name (Gary W Friendshuh) or type in “A Path Less Taken, the true life adventures of One Man and his faith awakening” and it should show you all of my books except for “Little One” which can be found on grandfathersstories.com. (100% of any profit on any of my books is given to children’s charities)